3. Quote is literal repetition of other people's words. Learning how to paraphrase a paragraph is a good idea but when you are pressed for time, sometimes it is better to hire an expert to do it for you and using a tool online. Know what ‘paraphrasing’ means. ", to work my paraphrasing essay. 1. For example, let’s say the original writing is: “The fox stalked its prey in the moonlight, it’s large ears and bright eyes on high alert for the rabbit’s next move.”. I am ready, "I never knew what paraphrasing was until going through your article. If you have been asked to paraphrase a paragraph but aren’t sure how, don’t fret. Here are some cues to help you make the best use of this free article spinner, especially per search engine optimization purposes: To reach as many potential customers as possible, your website should be on the highest positions for selected key phrases. If you've ever tried to create content on a regular basis, maybe for your blog or newsletter, you might have an idea of how difficult it could be to produce high-quality articles frequently. We are not talking about wasting your time manually rewriting spintax, but a situation where you still hold the actual authority while the tool does all the hard work for you in a trustworthy way. Paraphrasing Without Crediting. Try to identify keywords from the paragraph within its first few lines while trying to paraphrase a paragraph. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. These words are pretty much what help to capture the entire essence of the paragraph. When you paraphrase, try to be as accurate as possible. The following are some useful tips that will help you with paraphrasing paragraphs: 1. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Tips on How to Paraphrase a Paragraph. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. Don’t just paraphrase. Of course, writing your content by hand, sentence-by-sentence is the surest way to ensure quality and plagiarism-free work , but that usually isn't easy, especially if you are looking for quality results. All its stages are spread over time which results in high effectiveness of our activities. Great time-saver: Usually, it takes hours or even days to manually create a human-readable content. Use Paraphrasing Tool to paraphrase or rewrite full length essays and articles or to find new ways to express simple phrases, sentences or single words. Just altering some words and keeping the idea the same is not what paraphrasing is alla bout. An article is a journalistic work in which the author's or editor's position on current social, political, economic or cultural problems is included. “Paraphrasing” is saying something someone else has said in your own words. To avoid plagiarism issues it's wise to use paraphrasing tool like Paraphrase Online and some free plagiarism checker. How to Paraphrase a Paragraph. Yet, content is just so necessary if your online business must go places. Then, change some of the word choices. In the article one thought should result from the previous one. It is a necessary academic skill to paraphrase ideas when writing and reading. The person relying on online paraphrasing must double check his work to avoid unprofessional behavior. Let you have content whenever you want: An online rephraser tool serves as your always-on-duty content producer, giving you lots of content anytime you want. It can be explicit, in the form of clearly highlighted text, or implicit, constituting a kind of allusion. Because of this, it may take too much time. This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD. I got lot of clarity in my reading and writing. It is not like the summary required for writing any of the research paper but is has points similar to it. You should paraphrase when the idea or point is more important than the actual words used. Use a literary language - take care of the richness of language forms, differentiate used adjectives. ; The reader cannot know with one citation which ideas … Original: Her life spanned years of incredible change for women as they gained more rights than ever before. You get high-quality work when you explain the thoughts of other authors into your own writing style as well as improving the readability and flow of the source. There is no need to cite the work again in this paragraph provided it is clear that this is the only source being paraphrased. He acknowledges our original text for "duplicate content" and the only thing we can do is write to the person who copied our text and ask that she put a link to our article under it or write a reference to Google. Well, a much cheaper and quicker approach is to use an online rephrase tool. This last treat is not effective. We have to prepare for the fact that people have always copied, copied and will copy someone else's texts. With them, you will have an effective, outstanding and fast service. The user, once again hitting the same or very similar content, may feel frustrated. "By Red Flower Bagheera meant fire, only no creature in the jungle will call fire by its proper name. Simply enter a sentence and press the “Paraphrase” button. Another way to help you paraphrase is to change the structure of the paragraph so it's not too similar to the original text. It depends. The essay may be critical, it may present the views of the author, it may also oscillate towards a lighter form. QuillBot's paraphrasing tool helps millions of people rewrite and enhance any sentence, paragraph, or article using state-of-the-art AI. Such a term simply had to arise. As you can see there is no restriction of any format for a text file. QuillBot's paraphrasing tool is trusted by millions worldwide to rewrite sentences, paragraphs, or articles using state-of-the-art AI. This tool (also known as Text Spinner or Paraphrase Online) is a piece of automated software technology used for rewriting text (such as a blog post) so that the overall message and meaning of the original content are left intact while the wording is changed significantly. The positioning specialist will admit that the most important factor that raises the position of our website is valuable content, so using paraphrase generator can come handy. It serves as an introduction and works to grab the reader's attention"? No prior expertise is required to use this paraphrasing tool. Don’t worry if you don’t get it on the first try; as you practice paraphrasing, you will become better at it. Don’t just paraphrase. Here are some examples of paraphrasing individual sentences: 1. Also its subject matter is not precisely defined - it may refer to culture, art, science, politics, social issues, philosophy, etc. ", "Thanks for the information. Read the entire paragraph and make sure you thoroughly understand it before starting to write anything. Your task as an author is not to exhaust the topic or summarize it in any binding way - you only have to outline the problem you are moving and make the viewer reflect on it. Paraphrasing a paragraph from another authors work is often necessary if you wish to use another person’s work but do not want to use their specific words. Here are some: This is a phenomenon that occurs when the content is alive copied from some other place, and the search engine notices it. You can even upload.pdf files for paraphrasing. When paraphrasing or summarising using one source over several sentences or even a whole paragraph, cite the source in the first sentence. And although the latter seems the least difficult, the practice shows that correct quoting is a rather complex problem and can cause trouble. "It helped me learn how to paraphrase from scratch and I am very much clear now about paraphrasing. The tool is built for maximum performance and contains literally myriads of well-matched synonyms (a lot of new synonyms have been added recently to improve the quality of results). 2. Still don’t know how to paraphrase? This type also involves mosaic plagiarism – changing keywords or paraphrasing in only some parts of the original information and without crediting the owner. Otherwise, all websites without any resistance, instead of creating their own content, would use a mug with content already created by someone else. Use an online thesaurus to help find synonyms for the words, or make a list of the difficult words and look up their definitions. Paraphrase: A giraffe … All you need to do is enter human readable text and you will get human readable text out. You would not cite a quotation while paraphrasing. For instance, “protest” is often connected to politics while “grumble” is usually associated with complaining. Rephrase-Tool. 3. Note that we not talking about content that will get you penalized by Google or content that looks like machine written gibberish. 3. Instead of using infinitely long quotes - paraphrase! There are no specific compositional rules. You just need to access our paraphrase tool on the Prepostseo website and click ‘Select File.doc/.docx/.txt/.pdf. There are no hassles you need to do. First, read through the paragraph a few times to make sure you understand its meaning properly. One way to deal with this is to hire a professional freelance writer to help you with your content needs. Examples using the paragraph above: Therefore, we must learn the "strategy" of writing unique texts using free paraphrasing tools on our well-positioned pages. Article structure: introduction - making a thesis; development - presentation of arguments proving the thesis; end - summary of the author's position. Let you do SEO better: You get to run better search engine optimization (SEO) as you can power your campaigns abundantly with the content produced from an paraphrase online tool. Do you use the same words when you paraphrase? Augments your skills: If your English language or writing skills are not that good, you can depend on an article spinning tool or sentence rewriter to serve as your aid. This tool by Paraphrase Online is built for simplicity. Appeals can take the form of paraphrases, summaries and quotations. But an automatically generated high-quality content that your readers and Google actually loves. Instead of paraphrasing sentence by sentence, read a paragraph and rephrase it. 4. If you use a quote in your work, it must - it's a basic condition! Always completely create a new content and pay attention to the structure of your new … Our free article changer tool can be a vital tool for anyone who wants to market their website or product online as quickly and efficiently as possible as you'll be able to quickly create all the unique, quality textual content you will ever want for building legitimate web visibility. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. If you want to paraphrase paragraph you wi ll need to locate the keywords first – those are the ones that capture the essence of the passage. In addition to quotation marks or indenting, all quoted material should also be cited, using either footnotes, endnotes, or in-text citation. Google assumes that the source is a more familiar article, more frequently linked and with a higher "Page Rank". 6. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. For more tips from our English co-author, including how to paraphrase a paragraph by changing its syntax, read on! Make sure your students know the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. This article received 15 testimonials and 91% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. For instance, “Jane stared at the sunset as she ate oranges” is syntactically different from the sentence “Jane ate oranges while she stared at the sunset.”. Does it make sense? He is the best article rewriter available and can completely paraphrase an entire article for free. It will be easier to paraphrase and there will be less chances of plagiarism. By the way, we can mention the contrast of unique content, i.e. Copying content from the Internet is allowed (although it is always better to discuss someone's ideas in your own words), but only if we honor the author of the text or the discussed idea. You don't need to search for synonyms word by word anymore, all you need to do is type or paste text you are interested in paraphrasing, and the program will do all the work for you. I would say, “A hook is one of the first sentences in your introduction. Search engines play a decisive role in transmitting interesting information to potential users. You don't need a whole lot of inputs to use it other than your written text. Trouble starts when the page on which the text was copied is higher in the ranking than ours. ", "Helped me understand paraphrasing. READ From memory and using your own words, list the key points that you identified during your reading. In case you haven’t comprehended an idea, it would cause significant plagiarism issues. Otherwise, we will be able to talk about the phenomenon of "duplicate content". In the paraphrase of Sacks, the decision to split the original passage into two paragraphs adds an analytical dimension: the new passage doesn’t just reiterate his points but lays out the two-part structure of his argument. Our tool does not spit out spintax formatted results, nor does it require you to enter spintax to create rewritten content. As compared to online paraphrasing, the manual paraphrasing is not that different if one knows all the tecniques of paraphrasing a text. Appealing to source materials by literally quoting the words of others is the basis of academic discourse. How do I paraphrase if the words are difficult? ", https://lo.unisa.edu.au/mod/book/view.php?id=252144, https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/using_research/quoting_paraphrasing_and_summarizing/index.html, https://student.unsw.edu.au/paraphrasing-summarising-and-quoting, https://www.scribendi.com/advice/how_to_paraphrase.en.html, https://writing.colostate.edu/guides/page.cfm?pageid=298&guideid=16, https://leeuniversity.libguides.com/DALresearch/quote, https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase.html, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. After filling "Text before" field, just press the "Paraphrase!" Avoiding plagiarism every time we use someone else's ideas is a key element in practicing science. Hide the … Would be happy to read more . If the paraphrase continues into a new paragraph, reintroduce the citation. However the way you cite the source will depend on the formatting of the paper, i.e. A paraphrase of the text (unequalizing) - a great help for faster rewriting of the text. Increases efficiency: You can produce a large amount of articles within a short time period, thereby improving productivity. Paraphrase Paragraph Effectively to Guarantee Quality Papers. These explanations have vividly given me the methods on paraphrasing. To paraphrase a paragraph, it must include lots of needed steps. For example, if a paragraph starts by talking about self-driving cars and goes on to talk about traffic accidents, you can switch it round and start with the traffic accidents. I, "Thanks for the opportunity given. You still express the same ideas, just in a different way. To paraphrase a paragraph, students have to restate the original information or text by following the new words. 2. The essay is not for moralizing - you only have to present your opinion, do not try to convince the recipient that you are right. If you need help with formatting your citations, there are several grammar websites out there with detailed help. Therefore, we do not quote any words, but only original, surprising, extremely accurate observations, brilliant thoughts, intriguing combinations of words. Try to focus upon the key points that the author is trying to convey. Paraphrase a paragraph: Experts recommend this strategy. Paraphrase Online can be helpful with this task. Don’t refer to the original when you write your version. ", "The information was very helpful. There are a lot of people who think that they do not have to make an effort because the copied text will not recognize anyone. Well, you don't have to look any further because Paraphrase Online has got your back. Paraphrasing When you write information from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding an in-text citation at the end of the paraphrased portion as follows: Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby's studies (Hunt, 1993). Lack of appropriate consent may be associated with severe fines, including financial penalties, and even removal of the entire website from the Internet. This is a very resourceful article for, "When I met my research guide regarding how to write my thesis, she said thesis is all about paraphrasing. Having unique content created by article spinner means that we can adjust the content to our website so that it is maximally SEO-friendly. Once you have the keywords figured out, you can … But Article Rewriter by Paraphrase Online doesn't require that. This means, with our text rewriting tool, you'll be able to continually update your blog, social media pages, and website with fresh content. Paraphrasing a paragraph is repeating what someone else has said but in your own words. For instance, “grumble” and “protest” have similar meanings, and they would be listed as synonyms in a thesaurus. ", "By referring to this article, I finally understood how to paraphrase. Approved. When it is your first time to paraphrase, make an outline of the major points. 2. Read more on our site! Analyze. The author of the article should complete a sufficient number of arguments in support of his thesis before he starts writing. Based on the performed SEO audit and the analysis of the competition websites, you should prepare content for your website that is adequately saturated with key phrases. A few years ago we were wondering - is there a good paraphrasing website with an automatic paraphrasing tool online? Plagiarism is to report someone else's work (in the same or slightly modified form) without proper reference. You can check other beneficial posts on our website that will help you. Proper use of external sources and paraphrasing tools or article rewriters online can help with that matter and indicates selective selection of information and the level of knowledge of literature by the author. The subject of the essay is thus somewhat open. Not only is this penalized by search engines, but it offers nothing of value to your target audience either. Thanks again for your teamwork in sharing information. Simply including one citation at the end of a paragraph is NOT APA compliant. For more tips from our English co-author, including how to paraphrase a paragraph by changing its syntax, read on! This lets you spin quality, readable content in no time. Instead, it does all the thinking for you, from taking in the context of every phrase to creating additional textual content that is as readable and meaningful as the text you originally entered. 1. A quote in literature is a form of artistic expression. Start with a quality article. This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD. Paraphraser. There are two popular ways to paraphrase paragraph. If you start out with a low-quality article, the chances are high that the alternate versions are going to be even worse. 4. Be aware of the differences between paraphrasing and summarizing. % of people told us that this article helped them. Legal problems are possible when the content we add to our site comes from another source protected by copyright. It is important, however, not to publish copies of the text inside the website and outside it. But of course present your own views, enter into polemics, discuss with other researchers. Sometimes you only need to paraphrase the information from one sentence. Paraphrasing may sound suspiciously like summarizing, but they are actually two different methods of rewriting a text. If you are writing an article, cite your sources at the bottom or somewhere else. You may catch several suggested words that donât fit into the context. Thanks to this, users will have access to high-quality articles or graphics, and the website owners will have a chance for a higher position in the search engine. If you are writing an essay, you can insert a footnote, and put the source in the bibliography. Use what you do know -- underline and highlight key words and phrases and use context clues to gain an idea of the passage. You should paraphrase when the words are complex but the point is simple. If they are too few or too weak, he risks losing his efforts, losing credibility. The way you showed, "It was easy to understand and a great example to help one understand what is being talked about. Read your sentences carefully to ensure you have cited sources appropriately. Not all of the details from the original passage need to be included in the paraphrase. There are also some rules, which are mainly a collection of tips, what should not be done in an essay. The information must be valuable to a human reader. ", "I was struggling on paraphrasing and summarizing. Best paraphrase online with text correction support, without losing meaning in the text. Subsequent arguments must be consistent and be associated with each other, be complementary to each other. In fact, you don't even have to register to use it. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. It works by technically reading and understanding the text that you enter and then rewriting it to produce a different, readable version of the spun content. To create formatted spintax, you'll usually need another tool. There are numerous benefits associated with using an article rewrite tool. Cite your sources right after the statement. Paraphrase: She lived through the exciting era of women's liberation. MLA, APA, etc. Synonym dictionary Antonym dictionary Word Unscrambler API Paraphrasing Tool. So what should you do? You can try moving sentences around and reordering them, but it's difficult to completely restructure a paragraph without changing any words. To avoid spamming, we do not recommend using this tool to produce multiple versions of the same article. Paraphrasing is not summarizing. The APA Style and Grammar Guidelines provide this example: Velez et al. It is also difficult to imagine a Bachelor's or Master's thesis in which the student would not refer to the subject literature. Since it is extremely simple, anyone with a little technical know-how can use it without any complications. ", "The article refreshed my memory. You should ensure that all the words are changed and not just some parts of the paragraph. It can actually pass for the simplest paraphrasing tool you'll ever come across. Set the original aside, and write your paraphrase on a note card. You can also check out wikiHow's article on. Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. If none of the alternate words fit, try changing the original word to trigger new suggestions. For your own good (or rather for the sake of your business) it is worth spending some time or resources (using paraphrasing tool or copywriter services) to create unique content that really gives you a lot of benefits. If our content is not unique, we do not have a chance to find a client for our services or products, so it is often worth taking care of re-editing the texts. For example: Reading is power (Cameron, 2017). How do I paraphrase this, "An essay hook is the first one or two sentences in your essay. “Police: Man fled crash to avoid yelling girlfriend” Original source: “VINELAND, N.J. (AP) — Police … He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. 2. - be clearly related to the topic you are talking about. When you are paraphrasing a quote or anything else, you should never change simply few words in the sentence. This free summarizing tool can deliver reliable results both in terms of human readership and search engine exposure. At the top of the note card, write a key word or phrase to indicate the subject of your paraphrase. 1. Summarizing focuses on the facts of the statement rather than the details. How to write good texts? Here are a few tips on paragraph paraphrase: Understand meaning. By stating it your way, the information may fit better into what you’re writing, allowing your writing to flow more easily from one idea to the next. The words may not make sense in afew cases. Paraphrase Online Paraphrasing Tool - The Best Free Article, Sentence and Paragraph Rephrasing Software! Then simply upload the text file you want to paraphrase. Paraphrasing is the act of rewording something without changing what was originally meant. But it takes time rather than just copy pasting it from an original source and changing synonyms. both teachers ,parents and anybody who is trying to convey massage to students. Using external sources does not mean that the author lacks independence and originality. If you feel it doesn't read well, click the button again for a new version. However, if we are the only one to provide him with qualitative content, which in addition will contain a solution to his problem - he will stay on our site for longer. There aremany reasons to use our Sentence spinner tool. It is impossible to paraphrase correctly if you don’t understand the meaning of the material. If you've read the sections above, by now you should have an idea of what an sentence rewriter is, how it works, and why you should use one. If it is based on a set of vocabulary or a particular historical background, try getting some prior knowledge. We recommend running the final results through some Plagiarism Checker tool just to verify it is unique enough to pass the plagiarism test used by search engines before you publish it on the web. Before writing anything, read the text over and over again until you’re 100% familiar with its message. QuillBot (Rephrasing Tool) will then rephrase the content while retaining the original meaning. By using various methods of influence, such as argumentation, the commentary tends to shape the reader's opinion. 4. Of course, issues of copyright and intellectual property are still in play here, but these in turn are already being considered on an ethical and legal basis. You Need to Paraphrase a Paragraph Only! This is often done if the style of the writing is very different from that being employed within your work, is in a foreign language or excessively technical. It is commonly used by content creators, website administrators, bloggers, and marketing agencies in an attempt to imitate the success of existing content while appearing original. Example: The words you would choose to tell someone how to ride a bike are different from the words another writer would choose. This will make it easier to come up with your own wording. Website positioning is a complex, individual and multi-stage undertaking. Google pays more attention to the age of the domain and its "Page Rank" than to who published our original text first. In the paraphrase of Sacks, the decision to split the original passage into two paragraphs adds an analytical dimension: the new passage doesn’t just reiterate his points but lays out the two-part structure of his argument. Some article spinners out there require you to enter your text with properly formatted spintax to create the end result. Thank you.". {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/1\/1e\/Paraphrase-a-Paragraph-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Paraphrase-a-Paragraph-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/1e\/Paraphrase-a-Paragraph-Step-1.jpg\/aid4549603-v4-728px-Paraphrase-a-Paragraph-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
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