Some argued that Lisa del Giocondo was the subject of a different portrait, identifying at least four other paintings as the Mona Lisa referred to by Vasari. Histoire des arts : Léonard de Vinci/La Joconde La Joconde – Léonard de Vinci ( 1503 – 1506 ) Artiste : La Joconde a été réalisée par Léonard De Vinci entre 1503 et 1506. "[111][112] Jean Metzinger's Le goûter (Tea Time) was exhibited at the 1911 Salon d'Automne and was sarcastically described as "la Joconde à la cuiller" (Mona Lisa with a spoon) by art critic Louis Vauxcelles on the front page of Gil Blas. In response to warping and swelling experienced during its storage during World War II, and to prepare the picture for an exhibit to honour the anniversary of Leonardo's 500th birthday, the Mona Lisa was fitted in 1951 with a flexible oak frame with beech crosspieces. [92][71] The underlying portrait appears to be of a model looking to the side, and lacks flanking columns,[94] but does not fit with historical descriptions of the painting. [80] He carried out the theft by entering the building during regular hours, hiding in a broom closet, and walking out with the painting hidden under his coat after the museum had closed. [91][92][93] Cotte admits that his investigation was only carried out only in support of his hypotheses and should not be considered as definitive proof. Né en 1452 en Italie, Léonard De Vinci était un peintre, sculpteur, inventeur ou encore écrivain, mort en 1519. Mais il ne l’a certainement jamais eu en sa possession. [44] He had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, the model of the Mona Lisa, by October 1503. It holds the Guinness World Record for the highest known insurance valuation in history at US$100 million in 1962[11] (equivalent to $660 million in 2019). [63], At some point, the Mona Lisa was removed from its original frame. L’œuvre est une peinture à l'huile sur un panneau de bois de peuplier, mesurant 77 × 53 cm. This was treated on the spot with carbon tetrachloride, and later with an ethylene oxide treatment. In 1909, the art collector Comtesse de Béhague gave the portrait its current frame,[101] a Renaissance-era work consistent with the historical period of the Mona Lisa. In 1913, when the painting was recovered after its theft, Denizard was again called upon to work on the Mona Lisa. "[110], By the early 20th century, some critics started to feel the painting had become a repository for subjective exegeses and theories. The current scholarly consensus on attribution is unclear. La Joconde fit dès lors partie des collections royales pour être exposée au château de Versailles pendant le règne de Louis XIV. [75], In 1911, the painting was still not popular among the lay-public. [18][20] In French, the title La Joconde has the same meaning. Selon lui, le peintre aurait présenté au prélat napolitain, lors d'une visite au Château du Clos Lucé le 10 octobre 1517, une peinture représentant « une certaine dame florentine faite au naturel sur les instances de feu le Magnifique Julien de Médicis ». The unconstrained poplar panel warped freely with changes in humidity, and as a result, a crack developed near the top of the panel, extending down to the hairline of the figure. Zollner gives a date of c. 1504, most others say c. 1506, CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (, Costanza d'Avalos, Duchess of Francavilla, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, "The Mona Lisa's Twin Painting Discovered", "The Theft That Made Mona Lisa a Masterpiece", "Mona Lisa – Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo", "Mona Lisa – Heidelberger find clarifies identity", "Highest insurance valuation for a painting", "Mona Lisa – Heidelberg discovery confirms identity", "German experts crack the ID of 'Mona Lisa, "Riddle of Mona Lisa is finally solved: she was the mother of five", "Mona Lisa backdrop depicts Italian town of Bobbio, claims art historian", "Leonardo's Portrait of Mona Lisa del Giocondo", "Solved: Why Mona Lisa doesn't have eyebrows", "Lurking Beneath the 'Mona Lisa' May Be the Real One", "BBC NEWS – Entertainment – Mona Lisa smile secrets revealed", "Researchers identify landscape behind the Mona Lisa", "Da Vinci 'paralysis left Mona Lisa unfinished, "A Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci May Reveal Why He Never Finished the Mona Lisa", "Leonardo da Vinci never finished the Mona Lisa because he injured his arm while fainting, experts say", "Mona Lisa: A comparative evaluation of the different versions and copies", "Leonardo da Vinci's portrait of Mona Lisa de Giocondo", "The Theft That Made The 'Mona Lisa' A Masterpiece", "The French Burglar Who Pulled Off His Generation's Biggest Art Heist", "Top 25 Crimes of the Century: Stealing the Mona Lisa, 1911", "Review: The Lost Mona Lisa: The Extraordinary True Story of the Greatest Art Theft in History by RA Scotti", "100 Years Ago: The Mastermind Behind the Mona Lisa Heist | The Saturday Evening Post", "Russian tourist hurls mug at Mona Lisa in Louvre", "Will new Mona Lisa queuing system in restored Louvre gallery bring a smile back to visitors' faces? [87][88] In both cases, the painting was undamaged. La Joconde revisitée par l'artiste MADSAKI, proche de Takashi Murakami: Une œuvre iconique modernisée. Dimensions 61,5 x 49,5 cm Impression : 48 x 33 cm. [8], The painting is probably of the Italian noblewoman Lisa Gherardini,[9] the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, and is in oil on a white Lombardy poplar panel. [citation needed]. [119] The French urban artist known pseudonymously as Invader has created versions of the Mona Lisa on city walls in Paris and Tokyo using a mosaic style. Leonardo's assistant Salaì, at his death in 1524, owned a portrait which in his personal papers was named la Gioconda, a painting bequeathed to him by Leonardo. [82] Peruggia served six months in prison for the crime and was hailed for his patriotism in Italy. The title of the painting, though traditionally spelled Mona (as used by Vasari), is also commonly spelle… [89] A new queuing system introduced in 2019 reduces the amount of time museum visitors have to wait in line to see the painting. [137][138][139] However, a more recent report has demonstrated that this stereoscopic pair in fact gives no reliable stereoscopic depth. [21] Several other women have been proposed as the subject of the painting. [47] According to Vasari, "after he had lingered over it four years, [he] left it unfinished". Behind her, a vast landscape recedes to icy mountains. It comes under the "Direction des Musées de France" (DMF) section of the Ministry. The woman appears alive to an unusual extent, which Leonardo achieved by his method of not drawing outlines (sfumato). [124], The 1911 theft of the Mona Lisa and its subsequent return was reported worldwide, leading to a massive increase in public recognition of the painting. [130], In 2014, 9.3 million people visited the Louvre. After the second 1956 attack, restorer Jean-Gabriel Goulinat was directed to touch up the damage to Mona Lisa's left elbow with watercolour. This became madonna, and its contraction mona. L'attribution du dessin à l'entourage de Léonard de Vinci se fonde à l'origine sur le témoignage d'Antonio de Beatis, secrétaire du cardinal Louis d'Aragon. [13] In 1516, Leonardo was invited by King Francis I to work at the Clos Lucé near the Château d'Amboise; it is believed that he took the Mona Lisa with him and continued to work on it after he moved to France. [25][26][27] The consensus of art historians in the 21st century maintains the long-held traditional opinion that the painting depicts Lisa del Giocondo. [54] Later paintings by Raphael, such as La velata (1515–16) and Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione (c. 1514–15), continued to borrow from Leonardo's painting. Si la Joconde a été peinte en Italie entre 1503 et 1506, elle quittera son pays d'origine avec son créateur pour suivre François Ier, de passage dans le pays en raison des guerres d'Italie. Technique Mine graphite sur héliogravure. Subsequently, on 21 April 1974, while the painting was on display at the Tokyo National Museum, a woman sprayed it with red paint as a protest against that museum's failure to provide access for disabled people. [29], The depiction of the sitter in three-quarter profile is similar to late 15th-century works by Lorenzo di Credi and Agnolo di Domenico del Mazziere. "[132], Before the 1962–1963 tour, the painting was assessed for insurance at $100 million (equivalent to $660 million in 2019), making it, in practice, the most highly-valued painting in the world. [142] Some experts, including Frank Zöllner, Martin Kemp and Luke Syson denied the attribution;[143][144] professors such as Salvatore Lorusso, Andrea Natali,[145] and John F Asmus supported it;[146] others like Alessandro Vezzosi and Carlo Pedretti were uncertain. Informations juridiques. [18] The painting is thought to have been commissioned for their new home, and to celebrate the birth of their second son, Andrea. [92][71] In 2020, Cotte published a study alleging that the canvas has a underdrawing, which seems to have been transferred from a preparatory drawing by depositing charcoal in tiny holes. S'il y a bien une toile de maître incontournable au Louvre, c'est la Joconde, l'œuvre la plus célèbre en peinture de même que Les Esclaves de Michel-Ange peuvent l'être en sculpture. [78][79] The real culprit was Louvre employee Vincenzo Peruggia, who had helped construct the painting's glass case. This explains the great precision of the listings. In the mid-18th century to early 19th century, two butterfly-shaped walnut braces were inserted into the back of the panel to a depth of about one third the thickness of the panel. L'histoire du vol de La Joconde est en fait un coup de foudre entre un certain Vincenzo Peruggia et la mystérieuse Mona Lisa. The second, commissioned by Giuliano de' Medici circa 1513, would have been sold by Salaì to Francis I in 1518[d] and is the one in the Louvre today. Il a alors acquis une grande réputation. jours par Celette La Joconde Suivre cette page La Joconde La Joconde Artiste Léonard de Vinci Date Entre 1503 et 1506 Type Huile sur panneau de bois de peuplier Dimensions (H × L) 77 × 53 cm Localisation Musée du Louvre, Paris Propriétaire Propriété de l'État français, affecté à la collection du Département des peintures du Louvre. Statut juridique. The title of the painting, though traditionally spelled Mona (as used by Vasari),[12] is also commonly spelled in modern Italian as Monna Lisa (mona being a vulgarity in some Italian dialects), but this is rare in English. Aujourd'hui, 2008 la Joconde se trouve dans une salle rénovée au Louvre ou elle fait face au tableau de Véronèse " Les noces de Cana ". It was acquired by King Francis I of France and is now the property of the French Republic itself, on permanent display at the Louvre, Paris since 1797.[10]. L’histoire mentionne qu’un portrait féminin était avec l’artiste et scientifique italien lors de son séjour au château du Clos Lucé (également appelé manoir du Cloux) à côté d’Amboise (château de la Loire). [73] In 1797, it went on permanent display at the Louvre. [141] It is a painting of the same subject as Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. [105], On the 500th anniversary of the master's death, the Louvre held the largest ever single exhibit of Da Vinci works, from 24 October 2019 to 24 February 2020. "[63] Nevertheless, applications of varnish made to the painting had darkened even by the end of the 16th century, and an aggressive 1809 cleaning and revarnishing removed some of the uppermost portion of the paint layer, resulting in a washed-out appearance to the face of the figure. ", "Second Mona Lisa Unveiled for First Time in 40 Years", "The Isleworth Mona Lisa: A second Leonardo masterpiece? [67][c] According to Vasari, the painting was created for the model's husband, Francesco del Giocondo. [58][59][60][61] However, by 1993, Frank Zöllner observed that the painting surface had never been trimmed;[62] this was confirmed through a series of tests in 2004. Localisation. Vasari's account of the Mona Lisa comes from his biography of Leonardo published in 1550, 31 years after the artist's death. L'histoire de La Joconde demeure obscure : ni l'identité du modèle, ni la commande du portrait, ni le temps pendant lequel Léonard y travailla, voire le conserva, ni encore les circonstances de son entrée dans la collection royale française ne sont des faits clairement établis. [25] Art historian Carmen C. Bambach has concluded that Leonardo probably continued refining the work until 1516 or 1517. [114][115], The avant-garde art world has made note of the Mona Lisa's undeniable popularity. Elle ne prend résidence au Louvre qu’en 1797. Il vit de contrats que les plus grands lui passent. This flexible frame, which is used in addition to the decorative frame described below, exerts pressure on the panel to keep it from warping further. Léonard de Vinci peint le portrait de Mona Lisa ou La Joconde au début du XVIe siècle (entre 1503 et 1506 ou une dizaine d'année plus tard selon les historiens). Date acquisition. [63], Because the Mona Lisa's poplar support expands and contracts with changes in humidity, the picture has experienced some warping. This became madonna, and its contraction mona. [131] Former director Henri Loyrette reckoned that "80 percent of the people only want to see the Mona Lisa. Une chose est sûre, le peintre la conservera auprès de lui de son vivant, ne s’en séparant jamais, avant que François 1er ne l’acquière. This note likens Leonardo to renowned Greek painter Apelles, who is mentioned in the text, and states that Leonardo was at that time working on a painting of Lisa del Giocondo. [79] A year after the theft, Saturday Evening Post journalist Karl Decker met an alleged accomplice named Eduardo de Valfierno, who claimed to have masterminded the theft. "[63] It has never been fully restored,[97] so the current condition is partly due to a variety of conservation treatments the painting has undergone. ", "Hidden portrait 'found under Mona Lisa', says French scientist", "Secret Portrait Hidden Under Mona Lisa, Claims French Scientist", "New Study Reveals Potentially Groundbreaking Drawing Hidden Beneath 'Mona Lisa, "Why Leonardo da Vinci's brilliance endures, 500 years after his death", "Biographical index of collectors of pastels", "Mona Lisa fans decry brief encounter with their idol in Paris", "Leonardo da Vinci's Unexamined Life as a Painter", "Louvre exhibit has most da Vinci paintings ever assembled", "Philadelphia Museum of Art - Collections Object : Tea Time (Woman with a Teaspoon)", "Mona Lisa: Who is Hidden Behind the Woman with the Mustache? [57][56][69][70] Others believe that there was only one true Mona Lisa, but are divided as to the two aforementioned fates. [48] Leonardo's right hand was paralytic circa 1517,[49] which may indicate why he left the Mona Lisa unfinished. Le voleur est un vitrier italien qui avait travaillé au Louvre lors de l'encadrement du tableau. The Mona Lisa (/ˌmoʊnə ˈliːsə/; Italian: Monna Lisa [ˈmɔnna ˈliːza] or La Gioconda [la dʒoˈkonda]; French: La Joconde [la ʒɔkɔ̃d]) is a half-length portrait painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. 1506). bibliographie. Walter Pater's famous essay of 1869 described the sitter as "older than the rocks among which she sits; like the vampire, she has been dead many times, and learned the secrets of the grave; and has been a diver in the deep seas, and keeps their fallen day about her. C’est probablement entre 1503 et 1506 que Francesco del Giocondo commande le portrait de sa jeune épouse à Léonard qui réside alors à Florence. Le 16 octobre, la Joconde devrait regagner ses pénates, juste avant l’ouverture, le 24, de la grande exposition consacrée à Léonard, qui promet encore une affluence record. Denizard also retouched the edges of the picture with varnish, to mask areas that had been covered initially by an older frame. [22] Isabella of Aragon,[23] Cecilia Gallerani,[24] Costanza d'Avalos, Duchess of Francavilla,[22] Isabella d'Este, Pacifica Brandano or Brandino, Isabela Gualanda, Caterina Sforza, Bianca Giovanna Sforza—even Salaì and Leonardo himself—are all among the list of posited models portrayed in the painting. Joconde is the central database created in 1975 and now available online, maintained by the French Ministry of Culture, for objects in the collections of the main French public and private museums listed as Musées de France, according to article L. 441-1 of the Code du patrimoine amouting to more than 1,200 institutions. Le 12 décembre 1913 le tableau La Joconde de Léonard de Vinci, subtilisé au musée du Louvre deux ans auparavant, refait surface à Florence en … Leonardo, Carmen Bambach, Rachel Stern, and Alison Manges (2003). [86] On 2 August 2009, a Russian woman, distraught over being denied French citizenship, threw a ceramic teacup purchased at the Louvre; the vessel shattered against the glass enclosure. After going through the queue, a group has about 30 seconds to see the painting. Référence. [133], In 2014, a France 24 article suggested that the painting could be sold to help ease the national debt, although it was noted that the Mona Lisa and other such art works were prohibited from being sold due to French heritage law, which states that "Collections held in museums that belong to public bodies are considered public property and cannot be otherwise. About this we are now certain. In 2004–05, a conservation and study team replaced the maple crosspieces with sycamore ones, and an additional metal crosspiece was added for scientific measurement of the panel's warp. [113] André Salmon subsequently described the painting as "The Mona Lisa of Cubism". Live on the French Minitel system from 1992, the database went online to the World Wide Web in 1995. To compensate for fluctuations in relative humidity, the case is supplemented with a bed of silica gel treated to provide 55% relative humidity. French poet Guillaume Apollinaire came under suspicion and was arrested and imprisoned. On 30 December 1956, Bolivian Ugo Ungaza Villegas threw a rock at the Mona Lisa while it was on display at the Louvre. [77] The painting was first missed the next day by painter Louis Béroud. "Possibly it was another portrait of which no record and no copies exist—Giuliano de' Medici surely had nothing to do with the. As a result, it was thought that the Mona Lisa had been trimmed. Il est 7 heure du matin, nous sommes le lundi 21 août 1911. [36] Cotte discovered the painting had been reworked several times, with changes made to the size of the Mona Lisa's face and the direction of her gaze. Le modèle qui a servi est inconnu, peut-être une Florentine, une femme de marchand, Lisa del Giocondo, née Lisa Gherardini, surnommée Mona Lisa. La Joconde Nue, un dessin conservé au musée Condé de Chantilly, a été présenté par certains comme un double de La Joconde, de Leonard de Vinci, mais rien ne le confirme. Cet oeuvre d'art est sous la responsabilité de Cécile Scailliérez ( conservateur )jusqu'en 2006, novembre 2006 au collectionneur et conservateur Vincent Delieuvin qui s'occupe des peintures italiennes du XVIème siècle. La Joconde, de Léonard de Vinci est un tableau conservé au Louvre, peint sur panneau de bois de 77 centimètres de hauteur sur 53 centimètres de largeur, est le portrait de Mona ( = Madonna) Lisa, probablement femme de Francesco del Giocondo (1465-1528) citoyen de Florence.Léonard de Vinci y travailla quatre années de suite, vers l'an 1500. Raphael, who had been to Leonardo's workshop several times, promptly used elements of the portrait's composition and format in several of his works, such as Young Woman with Unicorn (c. 1506),[108] and Portrait of Maddalena Doni (c. The Mona Lisa was not included because it is in such great demand among visitors to the museum; the painting remained on display in its gallery. La Joconde. Dated October 1503, the note was written by Leonardo's contemporary Agostino Vespucci. heydenrich 6 ; ottino della chiesa 31 ; villot i 484 ; hautecoeur 1601 ; c.s.i. Acquisition Dépôt de Siège national du Parti communiste français. The title of the painting, which is known in English as Mona Lisa, comes from a description by Renaissance art historian Giorgio Vasari, who wrote "Leonardo undertook to paint, for Francesco del Giocondo, the portrait of Mona Lisa, his wife." In 1859, Théophile Gautier wrote that the Mona Lisa was a "sphinx of beauty who smiles so mysteriously" and that "Beneath the form expressed one feels a thought that is vague, infinite, inexpressible. Profitant de la fermeture du musée, il s'approche de La Joconde sans difficulté. Mona in Italian is a polite form of address originating as ma donna – similar to Ma'am, Madam, or my lady in English. And she's almost drowned in a sprinkler malfunction", "The Louvre, the most visited museum in the world (01.15)", "Culture – Could France sell the Mona Lisa to pay off its debts? Domaine Dessin: Description Ready-made rectifié. [31], The painting was one of the first portraits to depict the sitter in front of an imaginary landscape, and Leonardo was one of the first painters to use aerial perspective. Il est connu en partie pour son sourire énigmatique. [73] The Mona Lisa was not widely known outside the art world, but in the 1860s, a portion of the French intelligentsia began to hail it as a masterwork of Renaissance painting. analyse d'un tableau : la Joconde . It became the definitive example of the Renaissance portrait and perhaps for this reason is seen not just as the likeness of a real person, but also as the embodiment of an ideal. Considered an archetypal masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance,[4][5] it has been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world". For example, Leonardo probably painted his model faithfully since her beauty is not seen as being among the best, "even when measured by late quattrocento (15th century) or even twenty-first century standards. "[30] Woods-Marsden cites Hans Memling's portrait of Benedetto Portinari (1487) or Italian imitations such as Sebastiano Mainardi's pendant portraits for the use of a loggia, which has the effect of mediating between the sitter and the distant landscape, a feature missing from Leonardo's earlier portrait of Ginevra de' Benci. "[125], From December 1962 to March 1963, the French government lent it to the United States to be displayed in New York City and Washington, D.C.[126][127] It was shipped on the new ocean liner SS France. A small number of the best known objects have a prose commentary. Since then, bulletproof glass has been used to shield the painting from any further attacks. Nom de la base. [54][57][56][69] The hypothetical first portrait, displaying prominent columns, would have been commissioned by Giocondo circa 1503, and left unfinished in Leonardo's pupil and assistant Salaì's possession until his death in 1524. [111] Upon the painting's theft in 1911, Renaissance historian Bernard Berenson admitted that it had "simply become an incubus, and [he] was glad to be rid of her. [103] The renovation of the gallery where the painting now resides was financed by the Japanese broadcaster Nippon Television. That Leonardo painted such a work, and its date, were confirmed in 2005 when a scholar at Heidelberg University discovered a marginal note in a 1477 printing of a volume by ancient Roman philosopher Cicero. Because of the way the human eye processes visual information, it is less suited to pick up shadows directly; however, peripheral vision can pick up shadows well. Raphael's Young Woman with Unicorn, c. 1506, Raphael's Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione (c. 1514–15), Le rire (The Laugh) by Eugène Bataille, or Sapeck (1883), Jean Metzinger, 1911, Le goûter (Tea Time), oil on canvas, 75.9 x 70.2 cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Marguerite Agniel "As Mona Lisa" by Robert Henri, c. 1929, Today the Mona Lisa is considered the most famous painting in the world, but until the 20th century it was simply one among many highly regarded artworks. Toutes les oeuvresTout voir; Par musée (204 696) Musée Carnavalet, Histoire de Paris (42 888) Palais Galliera, musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris (42 561) Petit Palais, musée des Beaux-arts de la Ville de Paris (18 155) Maison de Victor Hugo - Hauteville House (9 938) Musée d’Art moderne de Paris (4 641) Musée de la Libération de Paris - musée du Général Leclerc - musée Jean Moulin Son plus célèbre tableau, le portrait de Mona Lisa, a été réalisé en superposant plusieurs couches de peinture, reproduisant le modelé et le rendu de la peau avec un réalisme incroyable. C’est la lumière qui définit les volumes, les contours sont estompés, la peinture est recouverte de glacis colorés qui vitrifient le tableau. "[109], Early commentators such as Vasari and André Félibien praised the picture for its realism, but by the Victorian era, writers began to regard the Mona Lisa as imbued with a sense of mystery and romance. Propriété de la commune, legs, Rennes, musée des Beaux-Arts. [106][107], The Mona Lisa began influencing contemporary Florentine painting even before its completion. Apollinaire implicated his friend Pablo Picasso, who was brought in for questioning. [37], There has been much speculation regarding the painting's model and landscape. Il peindra à la même époque Saint Jean-Baptiste, Sainte-Anne. When an object created after the 19th century has no image this is most often for copyright reasons. During World War II, it was again removed from the Louvre and taken first to the Château d'Amboise, then to the Loc-Dieu Abbey and Château de Chambord, then finally to the Ingres Museum in Montauban. Après un siècle de relative tranquillité, la Joconde est volée le 21 août 1911. [76] On 21 August 1911, the painting was stolen from the Louvre. It was exhibited in the Uffizi Gallery for over two weeks and returned to the Louvre on 4 January 1914. [14], The Mona Lisa bears a strong resemblance to many Renaissance depictions of the Virgin Mary, who was at that time seen as an ideal for womanhood. Cette représentation remonterait alors aux années 1513-1516, alors que Léonard travaillait au service de Julie… Le tableau est vraisemblablement acheté par François Ierlui-même, qu… In recent decades, the painting has been temporarily moved to accommodate renovations to the Louvre on three occasions: between 1992 and 1995, from 2001 to 2005, and again in 2019. [121] Salvador Dalí, famous for his surrealist work, painted Self portrait as Mona Lisa in 1954. [63], In 1977, a new insect infestation was discovered in the back of the panel as a result of crosspieces installed to keep the painting from warping. La Joconde 1 La Joconde La Joconde La Joconde, musée du Louvre. SENS DE L’ŒUVRE : « Giocondo » signifie en italien : heureux et serein … La Joconde pourrait incarner l’idée de bonheur. Rennes ; musée des beaux-arts. Once part of King Francis I of France's collection, the Mona Lisa was among the first artworks to be exhibited in the Louvre, which became a national museum after the French Revolution. "La Joconde est Retrouvée" ("Mona Lisa is Found"). [39], Research in 2003 by Professor Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University said that Mona Lisa's smile disappears when observed with direct vision, known as foveal. Pourquoi La Joconde a-t-elle une renommée mondiale aussi exceptionnelle, exprimant la peinture en général et l'idéal féminin en particulier ? ", "In Louvre, New Room With View of 'Mona Lisa, "A Record Picasso and the Hype Price of Status Objects", "Another art anniversary: Mona Lisa comes to New York! [84] The painting was protected by glass because a few years earlier a man who claimed to be in love with the painting had cut it with a razor blade and tried to steal it. Leonardo, later in his life, is said to have regretted "never having completed a single work". A later restorer glued and lined the resulting socket and crack with cloth. Avec "La Joconde", j’étais persuadé que ce n’était pas possible car elle a les bras pliés contrairement aux Playmobil. Certains spécialistes annoncent une date comprise entre 1503 et 1506, d’autres l’attribuent à une période plus tardive, allant de 1513 à 1519. [116] According to Rhonda R. Shearer, the apparent reproduction is in fact a copy partly modelled on Duchamp's own face.[117]. [33] The enigmatic woman is portrayed seated in what appears to be an open loggia with dark pillar bases on either side.
Climat Louisiane Décembre, Vêtement Femme Chic Fashion, Chien Loup à Donner Belgique, On Regardait Les Bateaux Reprise, Gîte Avec Piscine Dordogne, Consultation Marché Public, Je Me Répète Dans Ma Tête, Les Belles Rives Trévoux, Paramètre Reproduction Discus,