I assume the Sterzo is designed to level the bike when used with an Elite model trainer and 700c wheel. …so at the moment the high end trainer from elite is the direto XR? It’s a nice break from the day to day sports-tech talk, and I hope you get something out of it! There’s very few cases I’d recommend a wheel on trainer, except to save significantly on budget. Rechts daneben sieht man den, aus der gleichen Perspektive fotografierten Rollentrainer mit eingeklappten Standbeinen.Der Elite Direto XR lässt sich platzsparend zusammenklappen. I travel a fair bit, both for work and for fun. As ever, YMMV and I don’t claim it’s a cure all. Frankly, it was spot-on, and so I wasn’t about to dork with it again. The Direto XR follows the same app compatibility standards as previous Elite products, and essentially follows the industry norms as you’d expect from a high-end trainer. Next, let’s look at a longer TrainerRoad workout with longer sets. In general, you should calibrate every once in a while (perhaps every few weeks), or anytime you’ve moved the trainer some distance (like to a new home/etc…). Let me know if you can fix it out. The most common question I receive outside of the “what’s the best GPS watch for me” variant, are photography-esq based. But in doing so, this more powerful Direto kills off the Drivo series trainers from Elite, which were Elite’s prior top-dog trainers. Elite: Additionally, you should calibrate if you’ve had a major temp swing (such as if it lives in your garage and now the sweat puddle on the floor is frozen). And those that do really want it, probably already have a cadence sensor floating around. Just curious, but can’t get my head around why this may be. On the underside of the legs are two feet, in case your floor is wobbly. I am thorn between this one and the Core, I was considering the Core too but I think the Direto XR is more future proof and I have better Elite support in my area. – Now includes 1-month Zwift coupon. A bit like the Wahoo KICKR, the Elite Direto XR has a metal frame with two legs that pivot out to support the bike. And lastly, if you felt this review was useful – I always appreciate feedback in the comments below. I will change the cassette if it create to much of a problem. Jonas 14. After removing all the plastic stuffs, you’ve got the trainer ready to go, which takes precisely three steps: A) Unfold legs The main one is that the shifting is messed up. I have Quarq DZero PM on my bike and readings are identical, both in values and in shape in time. I figure 8.5% avg…i can do that (I am closer to 59 than 58, run 225-230 lbs, and have the VO2 max of a piece of granite…asthma). So that’s another 3-6w give or take. Elite Direto XR. And yes, the power is very accurate, following exactly what the Quarq DZero reports, with the same responsiveness. It’s as simple as that. I have the same problem, dont know why. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In manchen Jahren setzt die Motivation für die nächste Saison schon ein bevor die alte vorbei ist… Eindrücke aus den ersten Trainingsmonaten mit dem ELITE Direto. Die praktische Plug & Play-Konfiguration sorgt für ein sofortiges Indoor-Fahrraderlebnis. Hi K, Da der Elite Direto XR ein seit 2017 im Wesentlichen unverändertes Gehäuse hat, wahrscheinlich eher nicht. Like I always say – for me personally, it’s hard to separate the fact that I’m riding indoors from outdoors. Interesting but aren’t you essentially riding long hours with your saddle nose up if you use a tall riser? You can also mix and match and create your own trainer comparison charts with just about any trainer on the market in the aforementioned/linked product database. But using the 3-rd and 4-th smallest rings on the cassette aren ot an option. Once I switched to the H3 I had wished I had gotten the Kickr way back when…. An den den Standbeinen des Elite Direto XR befinden sich Befestigungsbolzen mit großen Plastikknöpfen. Elite: Fingers crossed it should be September 2020 … apologies for the delay …. 21 23 komentárov. Anyway, I managed to mostly fix it, so it’s mostly good for now. I plan on setting up my trainer in the cellar which gets cold in winter so I’m guessing that’s a definite “no” to a Wahoo! Ich bin offen, ehrlich und dire(c)to: Dieser Trainer ist super und leistet genau, was ich von Ihm erwarte! I mean $50 US negligible. Thanks, that makes sense. . C) Power Stability: How stable is it in holding a given ERG mode setting? Beim elite gefällt mir gut das die standfüsse einfach einzuklappen sind und bei nicht Nutzung der Trainer platzsparend in eine Ecke verstaut werden kann. – Trainer is now fully assembled out of box (no attaching legs or cassette anymore) Wouldn’t be more accurate to call it speed sensor? I have Tiagra, the trainer came with a 105 cassette, so I swapped it with a brand new one I bought. One core test I do with all trainers though is responsiveness: How quickly does it respond to ERG mode changes? And that’s 100% correct. In some cases I might prefer 2-3 seconds, but I’m not going to quibble too much there. You'll support the site, and get ad-free DCR! Once I’m done with it, I’ll get it packaged up and back to Elite. Wahoo Kickr Core or XR? If they’re shifting, they’ll see more fluctuations, etc… Are they oddly getting up and trying to sprint, etc… Even some apps do weird things with supposed ERG mode. As always, thanks for helping out! 15w is a tough bit high. – Requires power cable/be plugged in. On Amazon US, they’re actually down to $15 right now. Mostly I change to level mode for a few seconds before going into ERG mode again when I’m around the desired wattage. The next bit is stability. Damit sind jetzt Steigungen von 24% realistisch simulierbar. Personally, I’m not a big fan of power meter matching/linking type technology from any company, as I often find it does weird things around delays in power. Between this and CORE, that’s tricky – but 200EUR cheaper and I’d probably go CORE. I’ll try again later when I have time to warm it up. So ERG mode is key. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist erstklassig. if you have realism to 0%. There have been no updates over the years to my trainer, they just release new ones and forget about older trainers. Elite hat eine eigene iOS- und Android-App namens Upgrado, um die Firmware des Elite Direto XR zu aktualisieren. Worth a consideration, and the hack trick to try is some extra thick foam padding (excercise mats, firm foam sponges, etc) under the support feet of the trainer, to allow some leaning motion. Jede Art von Training, die dir in den Sinn kommt, kann dank des Direto XR in die Tat umgesetzt werden. Pre-COVId I would bikr around 300 to 350 k per week and I can avg a bit over 30 kph over 2 hours in flattish conditions, relatively few stops and light wind. The first is their Elite My E-Training app, which you can do calibrations from within: As with most trainers, they recommend you warm-up first: And then there’s the Elite Upgrado app – which actually launched in the fall of 2019 for updating Elite trainers (finally!). and a single workout can often let a person know if it works for them or not. Looking at the mean/max graph for this ride, it’s also pretty darn close: And on this long ride, cadence looks perfectly flawless: So, overall I’m not seeing any issues related to power meter accuracy on the Direto XR. – Axle Compatibility: Race 130x5mm, MTB 135x5mm, 142x12mm (with adapter for 135×10-12mm & 148x12mm) The resistance goes up and down, seemingly at random, then will get so hard that I can barely turn the cranks. Das erleichtert es, ihn nach dem Training zu verstauen. Is this normal and thus user error? I dig into the nuances of these both within the power accuracy section. email support is: info@elite-it.com. That doesn’t sound normal of course. I recently updated the Direto XR firmware from version 067 to version 073. Thank you Jan for the quick reply. You can create a simple workout in Training Peaks and sync it to your garmin or wahoo head unit, and run it from there. Vor allem soll er dank eines optimierten „Optical Torque Sensors“ die Leistung noch genauer messen (+/–1,5 % statt +/–2 %) und einen stärkeren maximalen Widerstand von nun bis zu 2100 Watt bieten. All hardware and software meet requirements. Die äußere Verarbeitungsqualität kann nicht ganz mit der anderer Modelle mithalten, aber das hat keinen Einfluss auf die langfristige Leistung des smarten Trainers. link to forum.elite-it.com – Custom enginering of owners. It’s absolutely making it easier because most humans pedal bikes easier and more efficiently at a 80-100rpm cadence than a 50-60rpm one. Richard, I can think of one more thing: Check so you have the correct circumference number in MyEtraining app. As software for the fit file I used garmin connect. The power/accuracy is there, and my Drivo2 has huge range so I don’t have to change gears in ERG mode. the improved resistance is of zero relevance to me. – New ERG mode algorithm with increased responsiveness/stability Otherwise I have to move the brick wall before being able to start. Yeah, I don’t think Elite would disagree on max grade being about marketing. Er überzeugt durch großartige technische Daten und nützlichem Zubehör, dass man bei anderen Trainern extra kaufen muss. That said, the one thing that max gradient tends to underpin though is lower/slower speed ascents of heavier riders with steeper gradients. All it does is effectively change the gears you have available. But just google wheel-on vs direct-drive and you’ll find some really good content on the subject … in addition to what you can find here at dcrainmaker.com , Spend the $$ and get a Direct Drive unit. For the purposes of this particular table, I’ve compared it against the Tacx Flux 2, Wahoo KICKR CORE, and Saris H3. A rocker plate or trainer with some motion (Kinetic R1, some older Elites, and even the Tacx Neo “flex”) can give just enough saddle motion to relieve the pressure compared to no motion at all. Plus I went looking for a new saddle because long intervals on the trainer were getting uncomfortable. Der Direto XR ist die bereits dritte Auflage des Top-Smarttrainers von Elite. If you set it to 10, your power data should be more stable. The Direto XR comes with a free yearly subscription of myETraining then it’s €19.99 per year – compatible with Windows, MAC, iOS and Android. In theory this keeps it from breaking the trainer power port if you trip over it and rip it out. The spiral of death is inevitable, once you fail the interval power, you have no choice but wait for the recovery interval, so you can restart. But don’t hesitate to make it even better , Ray, There is nothing natural about locking a bike vertically like done on most trainers. Next, let’s look at some Zwift sessions. Swapping a cassette is extremely easy. Try restart both your Elite Direto XR and the device you are trying to pair it to. Der neue Direto XR ist die Weiterentwicklung des Direto X und soll an Leistungsfähigkeit gewonnen haben. I am not bothered with accuracy since I train only on this trainer. I think upgrading a V1 to this might be a push unless you spend a lot of time in ERG mode. My guess here is that due to the temp shift of the room (up about ~8°F/4°C from the previous day), may have contributed to this. And as always, feel free to post comments or questions in the comments section below, I’ll be happy to try and answer them as quickly as possible. Between this and Drivo II, I’d probably go Direto XR. And even in the recovery interval it is very difficult to ramp up the cadence. Think my written reviews are deep? Try pedal faster, then it might work. how long to go from 150w to 450w?) The second mode the trainer has is ERG mode. Äußerlich hat sich beim Direto XR nicht viel verändert. I haven’t tried yet. Elite Direto XR Cycletrainer Product-Code: 211745.2846004_PA Dein Preis: 799,00 € ... Tests zur Beurteilung deiner Fitness und Wiederholungen und Sprints bei Höchstgeschwindigkeit und Höchstleistung ausführen. I read in the comments that Elite say their trainers work in colder temperatures and users have reported no problems with Elite trainers in cold temperatures. I’m curious what’s the better option for the rider who is not racing, rides mostly for pleasure, but in bunch rides likes to push himself to the limits. Here’s that data: Given how long it is (and somewhat variable), it can be hard to see the nuance, so let’s just zoom in to a random section: Overall it’s very very close together, though there are some slightly lower spots from the Quarq when I ease off the power. In genearl, you can get away with it for pure ERG mode, because there are gears that’ll be just fine. So I’ve done that a few times as my TT bike is a 10-speed, whereas all my other bikes are 11-speed. This allows you to do firmware updates of the trainer. There’s no better test of that than 30×30 repeats (30-seconds at a high resistance, followed by 30-seconds at an easy resistance). The Direto XR I used had at that time less than 50 km on the clock. And atop that, there’s little reason most of this matters if you use the defaults in Zwift, because it automatically halves the values anyway. Due to summer holidays/etc, that testing won’t likely be completed until September. Wenn du eine Spindown-Kalibrierung durchführen möchtest oder musst, ist dies schnell und einfach erledigt und kann während des Fahrens auf Zwift oder über die My E-Training-App von Elite für iOS oder Android durchgeführt werden. This is effectively a “flat” road condition being level. The M2 seems to be stocked places, but the KICKR Snap is always out (is that a harbinger of things to come?)…. Supposedly that’ll happen in the August-September timeframe, but the so-nicknamed toaster (because it looks like a toaster) is still missing in action. If you want to calibrate it, we suggest that you do it through My E-Training. And technically, there are two apps here. Note: Branding varies by country, exact same desk. As to saddle comfort on the saddle, that leads into my other recommendation, which is a rocker plate. Is this as good as it will get? Sans oublier la notice, câble d’alimentation et les vis de montage avec une rondelle pour mont… Fizik at least, might be an older shoe they no longer carry. Der Elite Direto XR ist die dritte Generation der smarten Direto Trainer. That’s tough. I don’t even mean in ERG mode either. I note the fact that in ERG mode it is advisable to shift to a small ring at front and towards the hub at the back. Direto X Moment of Inertia = 15800 kgxmm2 Elite says that the increase of flywheel weight from 4.2kg to 5.1kg was specifically done to increase the road feel realism. Dadurch sitzt er ziemlich locker und neigt beim Bewegen des Elite Rollentrainers dazu abzufallen. I’d like to record the turbo and power data on my Garmin Edge 830 as well. Regardly, Andrea. Muss man dafür Abstriche in der Leistung in Kauf nehmen oder kann der Elite Direto XR mithalten? For example, here it is doing the spin-down within TrainerRoad on an iPad: It’s super easy to do, you just pedal a bit fast for a moment until it reaches a given threshold speed, and then you stop pedaling. I’d love to know where you can get them for that price. It is unusable with ERG. I feel like the 24% grade and 2300W capability is more about bragging than useful product design. Le vélo est très stable grâce au poids du home trainer, à la taille des trois pieds, et à la possibilité de régler la hauteur des pieds dans le cas où le plancher ne serait pas parfaitement plat. I’ve had that thing siting in a box since last fall waiting for the Tuo…finally found a use for it! In a related note, next to the fan you say they’re about $18 dollers, but they’re no where near that on Amazon at the moment. – Max 24% incline It’s a bug in the current speed indication. I take things to a whole new level of interactive depth! Die etwas geringere Verarbeitungsqualität erstreckt sich allerdings auch auf Kleinteile wie die Achsadapter. Das hat positive, aber auch negative Auswirkungen. Hi, Bought these ones last summer: link to awin1.com. Elite DIRETO XR Direktantriebstrainer. My brain can only turn off so much of that. I see slow ERG response as the only downside of my trainer. Then hit up Wiggle at the link below! I think they mean 37 mph. Why haven’t you yet released a review for XYZ product you mentioned months ago? Trainer firmware is 073. Das neue, größere Schwungrad verbessert das Fahrgefühl des Elite Direto XR spürbar. Plus, you'll be more awesome. Why does the MyTraining app specify a circumference of 2070 when most documents show that a 700x23c or 700x25c wheel is actually around 2100. Oh – and they’ve taken a page from Wahoo’s playbook this year: The Direto XR is shipping as of today. Does someone as a solution to this issue? Elite Direto X 3 Tests. Ok, that sucks! Vielleicht ein ganz klein wenig lauter als der KICKR Core, aber alles in allem ist das vollkommen akzeptabel. : Indeed it’s been a long journey … Tuo is coming next month … promise … Well, it’s not loud. Garmin does it as well. It’s the wrench. Beim Kauf des Direto XR bekommst du 12 Monate lang freien Zugang zur App My E-Training und es gibt Zwift für einen Monat kostenlos. Der neue Direto X ist der Nachfolger des Direto und wurde laut Elite in einigen Punkten deutlich verbessert. Any thoughts on how they compare for noise – both while pedaling and when coasting (admittedly not common during most Zwift sessions, but still a consideration for me)? Also, I assume for the calibration on the Direto, you let that warm-up for about 10 minutes or so?
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