Jac Atelier

Aucun ne cédant, un duel de Force s'ensuit. Vos sent Qi'ra, who had become his top lieutenant, with them. He was portrayed in all films by Peter Mayhew, who also reprised the role for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens[71] and its sequel, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. A single step. [16], Chewbacca slipped away with Solo to the Miss Fortune cantina, where they found their old friend Delia Leighton, to whom they asked about Ematt's location. [25] Like them, he was forced into slavery, working to cut the wroshyr trees in order to feed the Imperial Army. At the bar, Chewbacca was approached by Ben Kenobi, who was searching for passage for himself, Luke Skywalker and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO to Alderaan. L'amiral Ackbar, son commandant en chef, s’aperçoit rapidement qu'il est tombé dans un piège. It dragged Trillick to the Vathyr itself, but Chewbacca managed to free her. As a result, the remaining Imperial Star Destroyer Neutralizer capitulated to the New Republic. Rey, dévastée, se sert de la Force pour faire cicatriser la blessure de Kylo et lui sauver la vie. [43] However, when he heard that Skywalker had been captured by Grakkus the Hutt on Nar Shaddaa, he volunteered for the rescue mission before Chancellor Mon Mothma, and Generals Dodonna and Gial Ackbar of the Alliance High Command. The Falcon was subsequently attacked by the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger, but with a maneuver devised by Solo, they were able to avoid the vessel and fled to Cloud City on the gas giant Bespin, where they would request help from Calrissian, an old acquaintance of Han's. Quand Han révèle qu'il avait prévu le double jeu de son partenaire et que les pirates d'Enfys Nest tendent une embuscade aux hommes de Vos, Beckett fuit avec Chewbacca et le coaxium. Le Faucon Millénium atterrit sur la planète désertique de Savareen où le coaxium commence à être raffiné. Seeing Chewbacca's anxiety, Solo told Imra to gather any underworld scoundrel who owed him a favor, anyone who hated the Empire, and others in the false promise that they would obtain full pardons from the Republic, whereas Chewbacca was tasked to contact the Wookiee mercenaries, among them Roshyk, Hrrgn, and Kirratha. Durant le raid de Kessel, assisté par la mémoire de L3 directement branchée dans le système du Faucon Millenium, ils sont pourchassés par l'Empire, mais grâce au talent de Han, ils parviennent à leur échapper en volant près d'un trou noir. [13], After Rey tried and failed to recruit Luke Skywalker, Chewie decided to help her in convincing his old friend into helping them by busting in his hut. With much effort, Chewie managed to climb through the roots of a dead tree and topple it, creating a pit large enough for all the miners to climb up. [35], K-2SO stored the book in his chest compartment as they traveled back to the cargo ship. Flying through the shields at lightspeed, the Falcon landed roughly on the edge of a cliff. A la place, Kylo Ren, usant de la Force, le transperce de part en part puis le coupe en deux. A l’origine le dessinateur était parti sur un Chewbacca féminin, mais a très vite revu ses plans pour le faire devenir mâle. Il y retrouve Lando Calrissian, un de ses vieux amis qui est le gouverneur d'une cité dans les nuages. However, Chewbacca convinced Solo that Odon and the prisoners needed the fuel more, and Solo relented. [45] Just as Chewbacca and C-3PO were planning to break into Grakkus's palace, they were attacked by Dengar. Elle part à la recherche de cet artefact, accompagnée de Finn, Poe, Chewbacca et C-3PO. Solo managed to free Chewbacca and a hundred other prisoners including Norra's husband and Temmin's father Brentin Lore Wexley. After landing, Chewie knocked out an Imperial RA-7 protocol droid that Kai had sent to negotiate their surrender. Connu pour se mettre très facilement en colère et sa précision à l'arbalète, Chewbacca a aussi un grand cœur et fait preuve d'une loyauté indéfectible envers ses amis. Han Solo a été démasqué et jeté par l'Empire dans une cave boueuse où il rencontre une créature poilue, un Wookiee nommé Chewbacca. The group were soon caught by the tractor beam of the battle station which was still looming in the system, but managed to evade capture by hiding in the Falcon's smuggling compartments. He had the gangster tortured by his IT-O Interrogator.[40]. After running out of ammunition, he took out the stormtroopers in hand to hand combat. Best Cry Ever - Man vs Chewbacca [Splitscreen] - Duration: 0:38. mamananau 57,766 views. [34], At one point, while on Coruscant after a smuggling job, Chewbacca and Solo were approached by Alinka Aloo, the daughter of Sim Aloo. Chewbacca came up with a plan, and he and Trillick flew back to Coruscant. Following the reorganization of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, Chewbacca saw his people sent to work as slaves,[16] or as miners in places such as Kessel,[23] or made to serve as science experiments. [13], The Resistance celebrated their victory while Leia, Chewbacca, and Rey mourned Han's death. He came up with the idea of using webweaver spiders to storm the Star Destroyer Dominion. It was a Zabrak bartender who told them of Skywalker's location on Grakkus's palace and his direction, and Chewbacca and C-3PO set out to Skywalker's encounter. Rey parvient également à s'enfuir, aidée par Finn, Poe et Chewbacca qui ont repris le Faucon Millenium. Peter Mayhew, who became known to fans worldwide as the lovable Wookiee Chewbacca in the Star Wars galaxy of films, has died. Le personnage malfaisant demande à Kylo Ren d'exécuter Rey comme preuve de sa loyauté. Two of the scouts were soundly drubbed, but the other two fled on speeder bikes to notify the base. don't ask me why. However, Han and Chewie were determined to proceed with their campaign to liberate Kashyyyk. Chewbacca and the crew hurried through the crowds to the fringes of the festival, eventually stealing a pair of skiff speeders and attracting the attention of two First Order treadspeeders, which began a fierce pursuit aided by jet troopers. Chewbacca, pretending to be an Imperial prisoner. Chewbacca did a barrel roll with the Millenium Falcon, knocking Flax out of the ship entirely. The latest known bowcaster that he crafted was during the Imperial era. Dans un bar de Mos Eisley sur Tatooine, Luke et Obi-Wan Kenobi font la connaissance du contrebandier Han Solo et son copilote, le Wookiee Chewbacca. Qi'ra restée seule fait apparaître l'hologramme de Maul, qui a survécu aux événements de La Menace fantôme et qui n'est autre maintenant que le véritable chef de l'Aube écarlate. C-3PO est le seul capable de la déchiffrer, mais ne peut transmettre le langage Sith. [55] Since the fight took place in the engine room, Chewbacca was able to throw Zuke into the engine's machinery, which brought the engine back to full power. Il s'ensuit une bataille tumultueuse qui voit la fin de Jabba et d’une partie de sa cour dans l'explosion de la barge à voile du trafiquant. Solo played Calrissian in a game of "Corellian Spike" sabacc, with the stakes being Calrissian's YT-1300 light freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca est blessé à l'épaule et doit laisser son poste de copilote à Rey. Après un atterrissage chaotique, Rey et ses amis découvrent sur la planète les débris de la seconde Étoile de la Mort. Il les aide également à s'enfuir lorsque Dark Sidious ordonne l'élimination de tous les Jedi. Having destroyed the Sith once and for all, the Resistance reveled in their victory, but also mourned their losses, including Leia, who had died of natural causes shortly after reaching out to her son and helping him turn back towards the light. Following an emotional reunion, Chewbacca stayed behind with Solo, Sinjir, Jas, and Jom while Norra, Temmin, and Mister Bones returned with the other liberated prisoners to the New Republic capital of Chandrila. They and the remainder of the Resistance fleet managed to escape Starkiller Base as it erupted into a star, and entered hyperspace to return to D'Qar. Unknown to Chewie and Zarro, Jaum was planning to export the Andelm beetle larvae to the Empire to be processed into Dedlanite, a substance used in the manufacture of blasters. Le Basal attire la lune de Sernpidal, Dobido, sur la surface de la planète, entraînant la mort de milliers de personnes. [52], Later, Chewbacca assisted the rebellion in commandeering the Star Destroyer Harbinger. 200 BBY, Kashyyyk[2] After it was fixed, however, another crime boss, Lallani, landed at Nodo's chop shop. Star Wars Battlefront II, Maz's Scoundrels, Age of Rebellion - Han Solo 1, Swoop Racers, Flight of the Falcon, Part 2: The Planet of Misfit Droids, From a Certain Point of View, Star Wars 37, Star Wars Book IX: The Ashes of Jedha, Star Wars: The Last Jedi – The Storms of Crait 1, Star Wars Book X: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Star Wars Book XI: Hope Dies, Star Wars 61, Star Wars Book XIII: The Scourging of Shu-Torun, Star Wars Vol. [40], Zarro made up a story that Jaum was a fraudster who had come to scam Kai. Rey et Kylo Ren utilisent la Force pour contrôler le vaisseau emmenant Chewbacca. Une réaction en chaîne fait ensuite exploser la station spatiale. Chewbacca accompanied Han, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 to meet with Maz Kanata. They successfully escaped the Empire and Odona, but left Flax behind. Known for his short temper and accuracy with a bowcaster, Chewie also had a big heart -- and was unwavering in his loyalty to his friends. Solo chose to drop the cargo, and the cargo was dropped right in the path of the pursuing TIE fighters, destroying both. Luke se retrouve alors seul pour mener à bien la mission. [50] Chewbacca was initially losing the fight, but when R2-D2 injected him with the antidote to the poison, Chewbacca started winning the fight. Han Solo piloted the Falcon to Starkiller Base accompanied by Chewbacca and Finn. A Wookiee male, Chewbacca hailed from Kashyyyk, a peaceful planet where he was born in the city of Rwookrrorro one hundred and eighty years before the Clone Wars to Attichitcuk and a female Wookiee. Il disparaît après avoir été considérablement affaibli par sa confrontation, à travers la Force, avec son ancien apprenti Ben Solo (alias Kylo Ren). Les vaisseaux de la Résistance tombent un à un. Au lieu de cela, Hux s'empare d'un blaster et tue les Stormtroopers, révélant être l'espion du Premier Ordre. His final appearance in the movie is based on a 1976 piece of concept art by Ralph McQuarrie, which in turn was based on an illustration by John Schoenherr for George R.R. Puis, ils se séparent : Obi-Wan désactive le rayon tracteur tandis que Luke, Han et Chewbacca délivrent la princesse retenue prisonnière dans un cachot de l'Étoile Noire. [21], Like many of his people, Chewbacca preferred their native bowcaster as his personal weapon. Chewbacca took on the task of finding the missing protocol droid, eventually rescuing him from a junk pile. Chewbacca, Solo and Ematt confronted by Alecia Beck. Chewbacca then noticed the girl from before, and helped her hide from Jaum's men. Pendant que les soldats freinent l'avancée des troupes impériales, les équipes techniques s'échappent de la planète. C-3PO advised that the move was technically fair, and even chided Chewbacca, at which point Solo advised them not to anger the Wookiee because of his species' tendency to pull arms out of their sockets, prompting the two droids to surrender.[3]. They then used the Dominion's cannons to destroy the nearby Vitiator. Wookiee[3] Joined by Organa, Skywalker, C-3PO and R2-D2, the strike team approached the moon aboard the captured Imperial shuttle Tydirium, with Chewbacca piloting the ship. Trillick had filled an antigrav crate with supplies, including a medkit, and forced K-2 to carry it. Sur la planète désertique et glacée de Hoth, nos héros se trouvent dans la base Rebelle bientôt découverte par une sonde impériale. Rey arrive avec Chewbacca et R2D2 grâce au Faucon Millenium sur la planète-océan Ahch-To, là où vit reclus Luke Skywalker, une île peuplée de petites créatures volatiles aux grands yeux noirs, les Porgs, et des gardiennes des reliques Jedi. Le Faucon Millenium piloté par Chewbacca et Rey entre dans la mêlée, abattant nombre de TIE, qui s'engagent tous à sa poursuite, libérant le champ de bataille principal. Le voyage vers Savareen est effectué en 12 parsecs, le « raid de Kessel » entrant ainsi dans la légende de la saga Star Wars. Chewbacca with his wife Mallatobuck and son Lumpawaroo, A Wookiee male, Chewbacca otherwise known as Chewie hailed from Kashyyyk,[14] a peaceful planet where he was born in the city of Rwookrrorro[15] one hundred and eighty years before the Clone Wars[16] to Attichitcuk and a female Wookiee. [3], Skywalker was hopeful that Chewbacca and Solo would join the Rebellion, but Solo was more concerned with receiving his payment in order to pay his debt to Jabba. Le jeune Luke Skywalker se lance dans la bataille avec l'escadron rebelle affronter la station. Brought to the pit in a skiff, Skywalker recovered his new lightsaber and freed Chewbacca and Solo from their bonds. Rey sent que la situation lui échappe et rentre dans une colère folle : des éclairs jaillissent alors de sa main, touchant le vaisseau qui s'écrase en flammes. With no choice but to continue, Chewbaccca continued the job, along with Trillick. Luke, Han et Chewbacca reviennent après sur Yavin 4 et y sont accueillis en héros. Il est pas allé chercher très loin en fait. While she eventually recovered the wayfinder, Kylo Ren arrived and destroyed it. On the moon, they advanced through the forest and encountered Imperial scouts, to whom Solo accidentally reveal their position. [64], After Grand Moff Tolruck summoned the three orbiting Imperial Star Destroyers to bombard Kashyyyk, Chewie and his fellow rebels helped usher the liberated Wookiees into underground shelters. À peine le marché conclu, ils décollent en catastrophe car ils sont repérés par des soldats de l'Empire. [38] this plan involved fitting a decrepit R5 repair droid with explosives. Arrivée dans les ruines elle retrouve la relique et se confronte encore à Kylo Ren. [64], In the successive months, Chewbacca took part in mopping up operations against the remaining Imperial holdouts on Kashyyyk. They went back to the Falcon, and fought many TIE fighters to escape Coruscant. During the fighting at the castle, despite killing multiple stormtroopers, Han, Chewbacca, and Finn were captured by the First Order. Chewbacca helped her into the Falcon, and they fled. Han découvre alors que Tobias Beckett, seul survivant de son équipe, travaille pour l'Aube Écarlate, une organisation dirigée par Dryden Vos. Shortly later, they found Jaum supervising several stormtroopers who were loading crates of dedlanite into an Imperial landing craft. Solo, Skywalker, and Chewbacca helped the two escape in the Millennium Falcon. While imprisoned in an underground holding cell, Han used his knowledge of Shyriiwook to convince Chewbacca to stage a fight with him after realizing that one of the supports in the cell was weak, and that destroying it would allow them to escape imprisonment. He further revealed that many years prior, he accompanied Luke went in search of the a Sith loyalist named Ochi, whom they believed held a key to locating one of the devices, but when they arrived, they found his ship abandoned. À la suite du rachat de la société Lucasfilm par The Walt Disney Company, tous les éléments racontés dans les produits dérivés datant d'avant le 26 avril 2014 ont été déclarés comme étant en dehors du canon et ont alors été regroupés sous l’appellation « Star Wars Légendes »[4].

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